Download appropriate updates from here: 2. To manually update Stata follow these steps: 1. IMPORTANT: It appears automatic updating with these serial codes does not work anymore (you can still initialize=start using Stata though!). Use the following to create your license: Small STATA Serial Number: 30224547779 Code: mbwc mpl8 xk5r dyew cubt ar8d jvj Authorization: 30yt STATA IC Serial Number: 08762859510 Code: 5jpq i5se 1o8t eydu 8o3j zdtx 1bm Authorization: cc4q STATA SE Serial Number: 93611859953 Code: m2bf axet 8n $ c q19i mrw0 59e7 1qi Authorization: 6ym4 These are all perpetual licenses (with lifetime updates enabled). Stata 12 (Windows, all versions) - FULL & COMPLETE INSTALLATION For x86 and 圆4 systems.